
Welcome to Worlds End Music, an organisation set up to bring together local professional musicians with local music lovers.

7pm Thursday 27th March – Aliara Duo, flute and harp music.

St Martin-of Tours, Church Road, Chelsfield, BR6 7SN.

Our next concert is the Aliara Duo, welcoming back the wonderful Gwenllian Llyr, our very own harpist from Orpington, and inviting her duo partner, flautist Sirius Chau, for an hour of music exploring this wonderful and popular instrumental combination. Tickets on sale soon, or just turn up! Spread the word…

We will confirm a charity for this concert – profits made after the church and performer fees have been met are donated to a charity. Sadly, the Christmas concert was a bit of a washout, with a horrible storm discouraging many of our usual attendees. Therefore there was not a lot of money to donate to the chosen charity, Welcare. However, we still managed to make a small donation, the amount will be confirmed with St Martin-of-Tours and I will let you know. Hopefully, no storms, pandemics or even the Worlds End, will keep you all away from the next concert!

Rebecca Gilliver, Founder of Worlds End Music;
Principal Cellist London Symphony Orchestra


Long, long ago, before there was a worldwide pandemic, I had the desire to do some music-making close to home. The pandemic really brought this into focus. During the lockdown, deprived of our usual connections with audiences, many musicians played on our doorsteps and driveways after the Thursday evening ‘Clap for Carers’. The intimate joy of performing to a community of which you are a part is very special. Because of this experience, and with the extraordinary help and encouragement of Philippa Rooke, I set up an organisation to bring local professional musicians together with local music lovers. There are many fantastic professional musicians living in the area of Green Street Green, Chelsfield and Orpington so we don’t have to go far to find world-class music and bring it to your doors!

Worlds End Music is named after Worlds End Lane. This is the road where St Mary’s Church, one of our venues is found. Our other venue is St Martin of Tours in Chelsfield, which is found at the other end of Worlds End Lane, on Church Road. I walked down the lane many times during the pandemic, as I was pondering this new musical venture. I’ve named it with a smile, as it has felt slightly apocalyptic the past year or so! This little enterprise will do its best to counter the effects on your soul of the complicated times we’re living in and we hope you enjoy the concerts and wish to become involved.

Worlds End Music also has the desire to nurture local young talent and as a result, we aim to bring a Young Artist to feature in as many of our concerts as possible. Our first year celebrated the talents of recently graduated trumpet player Louis Barclay, from Green Street Green, violinist Scott Storey from Beckenham and talented young singer Jonathan Brookes. Scott has recently been appointed co-leader of the National Youth Orchestra and has won a place at the Royal College of Music to study joint viola and violin. Louis returned to Worlds End Music last Christmas with his brass quintet, Cromwell Brass. Next year we will be inviting local young professional cellist, Henry Hargreaves, amongst others. Last year’s charity event ‘Concert for Ukraine’ led to a slightly altered criteria and we went out of the area to invite accomplished young Ukrainian/British cellist, Nina Kiva, to play with us – with special permission from Sir Karl Jenkins, we performed the Benedictus from The Armed Man for reduced forces, with Nina as angelic-sounding soloist. Truly a special moment, with huge thanks to Sir Karl for his generosity. Our last concert, Save the Spire, was also a charity event, and raised a large amout of money for the spire of St Martin’s.

With a rapidly growing audience who have demonstrated their desire for local, quality music-making, I think we’re safe to carry on with plans for next year! Huge thanks to all of you, our supporters and audience, for coming to concerts, to the churches for hosting us and particularly to Phillippa Rooke – without her guiding hand this venture would never have got off the ground. If you would like to be kept informed of our future ventures, please enter your email below. If you would like to contact us, please email info@worldsendmusic.com If you’re not a fan of email, you can call 07971 440850. Worlds End Music currently has no funding – at some point we will look at charitable status and Friends, in order to better finance the venture but in the meantime we would be so grateful for your help in just spreading the word so we can grow our audience!

Rebecca Gilliver